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The Ann Castle Award acknowledges outstanding effort or achievement in the field of development research and related fields, which may include special projects, articles in development-related publications, or other efforts that have served to promote or assist others in the field of development research. It may also recognize exceptional effort or achievement that has served the development mission of the nominee's (or applicant's) organization.


This award honors Ann Castle:


A native of Michigan, Ann Castle earned a bachelor's degree from Smith College and a master's degree from Harvard Divinity School.  In 1988, she became Director of Development Research at Wellesley College.  The following year, she became Director of Development Research at Harvard University, where she remained until 1997.  In 1997, Ann became Director of Development Research at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York.  For the last two years of her life, Ann worked as an independent consultant in Development Research, working for Slate.com at Microsoft, the United Nations Foundation, and the White House Conference on Philanthropy.  Ann passed away on February 22, 2000 after a brief illness.

Ann was the president of the Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (APRA) from 1992 to 1993 and was the editor of the Philanthropic Digest.  A nationally recognized authority on women and philanthropy, Ann compiled The Women in Philanthropy website which is now archived by the University of Michigan.  In the late 1990s, when Slate magazine was looking for someone to compile a ranking of philanthropists that, in Ted Turner’s words, would "honor the generous and shame the stingy," the editors turned to Ann.  She quickly developed a listing that in December 1996 was published as the Slate 60, a listing that continues to the present.


NOTE: Current NEDRA board members are not eligible.



The deadline for nominees is Friday, February 7th, 2025. 

Questions? Please contact us at awards@nedra.org.

Past Honorees (click on each name to read their bio):

 2002   Judith Rottenberg
 2003  Shelley Brown
 2004  David Eberly
 2005  Sandra Larkin
 2006  Helen Brown
 2007  Elizabeth Crabtree
 2008  Valerie Anastasio
 2009  Paul Dakin
 2010  Charlie Carr
 2011  Marianne Pelletier
 2012  Joseph Donnelly Jr.
 2013   Sarah Fernandez
 2014  Heather Reisz
 2015  Nancy Faughnan
 2016  Dina Zelleke
 2017  Jill Meister
 2018  David Sterling
 2019    Amy Begg
 2021  Melissa Bank Stepno 

Tara McMullen-King 

 2023Bruce Berg



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60 Hickory Drive, Suite 6100
Waltham, MA 02451

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