RING: APRA Conference Recap Roundtables
Thursday, September 11, 2014
3:45 - 5:00 – APRA conference recap
5:00 - ?? – optional networking, eating and drinking
Couldn’t attend the APRA conference? Don’t worry, not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
APRA attendees from Western New England will be sharing highlights from their favorite conference sessions in a roundtable format. Hear a recap of one session, then change tables and learn about another. After the program, order a house brew and enjoy time for networking with regional colleagues.
Table hosts:
Suzy Campos, Director of Advancement Research, Amherst College
Amber Countis, Director of Prospect Research, Norwich University
Karen Federico-West, Director of Prospect Management & Analytics, University of Hartford Sarah Lawlor, Associate Director of Advancement Services, Springfield College Maureen Lopez, Sr. Research Analyst, Amherst College
Alejandra Mendez-Rivera, Prospect Development & Research Manager, Hampshire College
Location and Parking:
Amherst Brewing Company (ABC)
10 University Drive
Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 253-4400
Located in the New Market Center shopping plaza - Free parking!
NEDRA Members: Free
Non-members: $25
*food and beverage not included*
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