You may register as a walk-in on the day of the event. There is still space available. Directions are provided below.
Friday, September 18, 2015
8:30 am - 10:00 am
Kate Hanson:
Museum of Science Boston
1 Science Park
4th Floor - Hodge Conference Room
Boston, MA 02114
Attendees will check in with the security attendant at the Info Desk, who will give them a nametag and validate their parking. Security will direct registrants to the freight elevator in the Green Wing. A NEDRA host will wait for folks in the 4th floor vestibule until the start of the program. Please also note: The Museum lobby will be undergoing renovation by Sept. 18th. The Information Desk might be relocated from its current position in the middle of the lobby. Folks are welcome to visit the galleries after the program.
Directions and Parking:
Directions to the museum can be found on the website:
NEDRA Members: Free
Non-members: $25
© 2025 New England Development Research Association