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RING: A Roundtable Discussion - Board Nomination & Governance Pipelines

  • Fri, September 18, 2015
  • 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Museum of Science (Boston), 1 Science Park, Boston, MA 02114 -- 4th Floor, Hodge Conference Room
  • 5


  • Non-Member

This registration is now closed.

You may register as a walk-in on the day of the event. There is still space available. Directions are provided below.

RING: A Roundtable Discussion - Board Nomination & Governance Pipelines 

Friday, September 18, 2015

8:30 am - 10:00 am

Cultivating an engaged board of directors is key to your non-profit institution's success.  However, finding potential board members with the right mix of time, talent, and treasure to govern and help manage your organization can be daunting.  This NEDRA RING program has been developed as a roundtable discussion for Prospect Researchers from all types and sizes of non-profits to share ideas and brainstorm with one another.  All viewpoints are welcome-whether your board has 10 or 100, and whether you are currently integral to this process, or you're just getting started in this role-we want to hear from you!  The host of this session has helped develop and implement both a board pipeline process and a board nomination process in line with her institution's goal of creating a culture of philanthropy.  But, like anywhere, new plans and priorities within that institution mean that more work needs to be done.  Join us for a breakfast session about the nomination and governance pipeline processes.  Come prepared with questions, concerns, and any stories you’d like to share for this discussion-based RING. 


Kate Hanson:

Kate Hanson is the program manager for research at the Museum of Science, Boston.  She began her development career at the museum in 2007 as a senior research analyst.  Prior to that, she was the assistant registrar for a private art collection in Boston.  She earned her B.A. and M.A. in art history from Penn State.  In her spare time, she volunteers with the Animal Rescue League of Boston as a canine companion. 


Location Details: 


Museum of Science Boston

1 Science Park

4th Floor - Hodge Conference Room

Boston, MA 02114

Attendees will check in with the security attendant at the Info Desk, who will give them a nametag and validate their parking.  Security will direct registrants to the freight elevator in the Green Wing.  A NEDRA host will wait for folks in the 4th floor vestibule until the start of the program.  Please also note: The Museum lobby will be undergoing renovation by Sept. 18th. The Information Desk might be relocated from its current position in the middle of the lobby.  Folks are welcome to visit the galleries after the program.

Directions and Parking:

Parking is free. Attendees will have to get their ticket validated.

Directions to the museum can be found on the website: http://www.mos.org/directions


NEDRA Members: Free

Non-members: $25


**NEW Address as of 11/1/2024**
60 Hickory Drive, Suite 6100
Waltham, MA 02451

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