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WEBINAR: Researching Prospects in India with Beth Bandy

  • Thu, October 01, 2015
  • 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Online


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Researching Prospects in India with Beth Bandy

Thursday, October 1, 2015

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.



In this session, we will look at India’s languages and which ones you are most likely to encounter in your research; working with currency (defining laks, crores, rupees; tools for converting from one to another); researching sources of wealth, with a particular focus on conglomerates and family businesses; researching assets, especially real estate. At the end of the webinar, we will look at how Indian HNWI asset allocation and philanthropy trends with an eye toward accurately rating your prospects in India.


Beth has nearly fifteen years of international prospect research experience, spanning six continents and more than 30 countries. She began her work in this field as Director of Development Research at Amherst College and also has managed prospect research efforts at Bennington College, both of which are located in the northeastern United States. She founded IFI in January 2011. Through this consultancy, she now provides prospect research services to a wide range of not-for-profit organizations in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East – including independent schools, colleges and universities, hospitals, museums, and global NGOs. She teaches customized international prospect research classes online and in-person. She also has spoken about international prospect research topics for professional organizations in the United States, Canada, and South Africa.

Beth wrote the IFI Global Guides to China and India, unique online training manuals for international prospect researchers that have been used in fundraising offices in the United States, Canada, the UK, and Australia. She writes about international fundraising and prospect research topics on the IFI blog and has written several articles on international prospect research and related topics for industry publications in the United States and UK. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and has taken master’s degree courses in public policy and management through the Centre for Financial and Management Studies at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies.

Beth serves her community as an elected official and nonprofit board member. Beth currently serves on her town’s Select Board and previously was Chair of a local School Committee. She serves on the Board of Directors with Mohawk Trail Concerts, a nonprofit that presents chamber music performances. Previously, she was a Board member with the Mary Lyon Foundation, a local education foundation that supports students and schools in the rural hilltowns of western Massachusetts.


NEDRA Members : $85

Non-members: $125

Webinar Details:

Registered attendees will receive a link, password and confirmation via email, prior to the program date.  Email reminders will be sent 2 days prior to the webinar. Upon logging on to the webinar phone line, participants are asked to mute their phones and wait for further instructions. Participants will have an opportunity to submit online questions and provide comments at the conclusion of the program.


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