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Understanding and Utilizing SEC Filings

  • Fri, January 26, 2018
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Boston Children’s Hospital Trust, Landmark Building, 401 Park Drive, 6th Floor East, Boston, MA 02215
  • 0


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Understanding and Utilizing SEC Filings 

Friday, January 26

1:00 – 2:30 PM


Boston Children’s Hospital Trust

Landmark Building

401 Park Drive

6th Floor East

Boston, MA 02215


Ever wondered how much Hedge Fund managers earn? OR how much a CFO made at an IPO? OR where to find the charitable giving code in an insider holding filing? Come learn about public SEC forms to identify and confirm wealth indicators. We’ll be exploring direct and indirect stock holdings, valuing restricted stock units, salary and other compensation including expense reimbursements and retirement compensation, company ownership/controlling interest and other assets. Forms we’ll review include: Forms 3 and 4, Proxies (DEF14A), ADV Forms (Investment Management Firms), brochures and more.


Bill Gotfredson

Bill serves as associate director, prospect research of Boston Children’s Hospital Trust, a position he has held since 2014. Bill’s focus is on managing a team of brilliant researchers, building next-level grateful patient prospecting, and redesigning prospect management systems. He also serves as a member of the board of directors of NEDRA. Prior to his work at Children’s, Bill worked for nine years with the Harvard University Development Office where he served as a Senior Research Analyst responsible for prospecting for the University’s science initiatives. Bill has also served as a prospect research consultant with The Helen Brown Group and a NEDRA Annual Conference Committee member. His spends his time away from the office traveling, reading spy thrillers, and becoming a golf fanatic.

Dave Owens

Dave is a senior prospect researcher at the Boston Children’s Hospital Trust, where he also began his development career as a Prospect Researcher in 2001. Prior to his tenure at Boston Children’s Hospital, he worked in clinical administration at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in the departments of Pulmonary Care and Oncology. He received his M.A. degree in Political Science from Northeastern University, a B.A. degree in Philosophy and Public Policy from UMass/Boston, as well as an A.A. degree in Mathematics/Science from Cape Cod Community College. Dave is currently a member of the NEDRA 2018 Conference Committee, and previously served on NEDRA’s Programming Committee from 2014 to 2017.


$85 Members

$125 Non-Members


From North or South of Boston:

Take I-93 North/South to Exit 26 (Storrow Drive). Follow Storrow Drive approximately 2.5 miles to Kenmore Square/Fenway exit (on left). The exit ramp forks, stay to your right. Take right at first light into Kenmore Square. Take leftmost fork at second light onto Brookline Avenue. Once on Brookline Avenue, pass Fenway Park on your left and the movie theater, part of Landmark Center, on your right. Turn right onto Park Drive at first big intersection. Turn right again into the parking area.

From West of Boston:

Take I-90 to exit 18. Follow Storrow Drive eastbound to Kenmore Square/Fenway exit. Follow directions above.


Take the Green Line Riverside (D) train to the Fenway stop. The Landmark Center is a short walk from the Fenway T stop across the Bed Bath and Beyond parking lot to the building’s main entrance. The main entrance to the Landmark Center is facing Park Drive.

Directions within the Landmark Center Building:

The Trust is located on the 6th floor, East side, of the Landmark Center at 401 Park Drive, Boston, MA. From the parking garage take the elevator to the 4th floor (P4) -Landmark Center level. Turn left and go through the double doors to enter the Landmark Center Lobby. Once in the lobby, head left to the East wing elevators (the guard at the security desk can also point you in the right direction). If you arrive by taxi, on foot, or by subway, and enter through the building’s main entrance, take the escalator up to the 2nd floor and take the East elevators to the 6th Floor.


Public parking is available at the Landmark Center. For rates and other details, please call La-z Parking at 617-927-0398.


**NEW Address as of 11/1/2024**
60 Hickory Drive, Suite 6100
Waltham, MA 02451

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