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RING: Small Shop Talk with Paul Dakin

  • Thu, March 17, 2011
  • 12:30 PM - 2:29 PM
  • Northeastern University, Curry Center Room 322


  • Non-Member

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Regional Interest Networking Group (RING) Small Shop Talk

March 17, 2011, 12:30-2:30pm

Former NEDRA president, Paul Dakin, will facilitate a roundtable discussion for research professionals who conduct business in advancement organizations with few staff members and/or limited budgets. As a member of such an organization, come to this session with your curiosity about how other shops find success and share with your colleagues how you have overcome challenges intrinsic to your work. This is a great opportunity to connect with new colleagues that may become great resources and friends


Paul Dakin, Director of Research, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Paul Dakin has been Director of Research at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum since August of 2006. He spent six years as a board member of NEDRA, including a term as president from 2004 to 2006 and received NEDRA’s 2009 Ann Castle Award for his contributions to the field of prospect research. Paul has been in development research since 1995 and has experienced an ample measure of change, having worked for Harvard, MIT, Northeastern, and Phillips Exeter Academy. Over the years, he has presented or facilitated sessions, workshops and forums at NEDRA, APRA, CASE, and AFP. In his spare time Paul can be found leading the annual pledge drive for Arlington Street Church, Boston, or on the mat at his favorite yoga studio. Paul holds a BA in English and psychology from the University of Rochester.


The Curry Student Center, room 322 is at 346 Huntington Avenue. The Renaissance Parking Garage is at 835 Columbus Avenue.



NEDRA Members: Free

Non-Members: $25



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60 Hickory Drive, Suite 6100
Waltham, MA 02451

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