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NEDRA Annual Conference

  • Mon, May 09, 2011
  • Tue, May 10, 2011
  • Radisson Boston Hotel


Registration is closed

Transforming Information Into Intelligence

The 24th Annual NEDRA Conference

Building on the success of last year’s conference where there were over 200 attendees, the conference features educational offerings in three tracks: Research Basics, Advanced Research, and Research & Beyond; as well as a dynamic plenary session moderated by APRA president, Rob Scott, with three seasoned frontline fundraisers. There will also be plenty of opportunity to network with colleagues and vendors, sharing strategies and best practices through organized roundtables and informal gatherings.


Session speakers include development professionals with a wide range of perspectives and expertise, and sessions are designed to be of interest to new researchers and advanced professionals alike.


This is the not-to-be-missed event for the prospect research community! 


**NEW Address as of 11/1/2024**
60 Hickory Drive, Suite 6100
Waltham, MA 02451

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