Finding Your Way Through the C&F Wonderland
11:00 AM --- 12:30PM
Are shifting priorities or staffing changes making you feel like Alice, transported to new world of C&F research? Are you looking for tried and tested ways to navigate how to develop materials that help your CFR office and maximize the return on your research time? Corporate and Foundation research can seems like a "Alice in Wonderland" moment -- all those grants and all that data -- how do you know when you have finished your work? This session you will hear from a professional who has worked all the angles of the C&F pipeline (research, proposal development and stewardship) and will take you through some tried and true steps to ensure you don't waste time and deliver a product that is a value to your team. The presentation will also provide insights into tips and tricks for researching trending topics like DEI and COVID relief. You’ll leave this session smiling like a Cheshire Cat after gaining new knowledge and skills.
Meredith Baird Reece worked in Corporate and Foundation Relations at WGBH/Channel 2 PBS for nearly 10 years before returning to her Alma mater Simmons University to lead multiple departments including Prospect Research, Donor Relations, Communications, and Events. She now leads the C&F effort at Simmons, while working from her home office in Southern RI.
$50 Members
$100 Non-Members
Attendees will receive a Zoom link a day before the event.
© 2025 New England Development Research Association