Miss Porter's School
Friday, March 16, 2012 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Pre-registration has closed for this event. If you would still like to attend, please sign up at Miss Porter's School on Friday.
Join us for a lively roundtable discussion for development and research professionals at independent primary and secondary schools, as well as colleges and universities, who are responsible for parent research and/or relations. Whether you are a one-person development office or a member of a research team, this discussion will give you the opportunity to meet and learn from colleagues. Come ready to discuss useful tools, best practices and challenges for identifying, engaging, and retaining parent prospects, particularly when you have limited staff and/or budget. In order to make sure the discussion is relevant for everyone, we may break into groups according to your constituency (primary/secondary vs. higher ed) for part of the time. This is an opportunity for you to bring issues to the forefront that are challenging you in your work! Attendees are encouraged to bring questions, examples and materials to share with the group. Early registrants will be contacted before the event to gather specific discussion topics. This session is open to all who are interested. This is a great opportunity to connect with new colleagues who may become great resources and friends. Space is limited so register early! Coffee and light refreshments will be served.
Rebecca Yao, Director of Operations and Donor Relations, Miss Porter's School
Directions to Miss Porter's School:
Take Exit 39 from Interstate 84 (east or west). Go straight through the traffic light onto Route 4 West (Farmington Avenue). Continue through the blinking light. Turn left at the traffic light onto Main Street (Route 10 South). Continue straight through the traffic light in front of the school.
NEDRA Members: Free
Non-Members: $25
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