Friday, March 16, 2012 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (lunch included) Early birds welcome! Come at 9:15 am for coffee and networking.
Introduction to Prospect Research:
Join two seasoned research professionals in an overview of the prospect research profession. They will introduce participants to the role of the researcher within a development operation. This role includes the use of publicly available sources as well as the evaluation of evidence of wealth in determining the amount of “the ask.” All this will be discussed within the framework of a presentation on the basics of the profession and with ample time available for questions on how to construct and implement the best research solution for your organization.
Best Practices for Prospect & Donor Information:
The information that development offices seek and gather on donors and prospects presents a great many challenges for how to best gather and maintain this information. This session examines how prospect researchers deal with ethical concerns and how legal considerations impact his or her choices. In particular, we will look at the impact of social media on the fundraising information environment.
Marlisa Simonson assumes the position of Associate Vice President of Advancement at the University of Hartford in March. She is moving to that position from the Director of Development Research at Wesleyan University. Marlisa is also a board member of the New England Development Research Association (NEDRA) and the Green Street Arts Center.
David Sterling is the Director of Advancement Operations, Western New England University. Before joining WNE in 2003, David served as Director of Research at the University of South Florida for seven years. He is a member of the NEDRA’s board of directors and formerly served as the organization’s treasurer. He is a past president and a founding member of APRA-Florida.
Directions and Parking Information
This event will take place in the Blewett Science Center, Room 027, 716 Stevens Ave, Portland, ME
Breakfast and lunch will be served. Click here for directions to the Portland campus: Parking is permitted in general lots 4, 5 & 6. A printable parking permit will be e-mailed to attendees before the event.
NEDRA Members $80
Non-members $120
© 2025 New England Development Research Association