9:00 am - 10:30 am
BY CAR FROM EAST/WEST (Rhode Island, Boston, Brown):
Take I-90 West to (Mass Turnpike) to Exit 4 (I-91)
Take I-91 north to exit 19 (Rte. 9)
Take Rte. 9 east to Rte. 116 south. These roads intersect at a stoplight at the top of a hill. Turn right onto Rt. 116 south. Turn right (about .2 miles) onto Hitchcock Road. Street parking is available.
BY CAR FROM NORTH/SOUTH (New York, Dartmouth, Trinity, Middlebury, Wesleyan, Williams, Yale):
From Williams take Rte. 2 east to I-91 south
From Middlebury take Rte. 7 south to Rte. 103 south to I-91 south
Take I-91 to exit 19 from south, or exit 20 from north (you'll be on Rte. 9 east)
Take Rt. 9 east to Rt. 116 south. These roads intersect at a stoplight at the top of a hill. Turn right onto Rt. 116 south. Turn right (about .2 miles) onto Hitchcock Road. Street parking is available.
BY CAR FROM NORTHEAST (Maine, Bates, Bowdoin, Colby):
From Bates take I-495 south to I-95 south
Take I-95 south to I-495 south
Take I-495 south to exit 29B (Rte. 2 west)
Take Rte. 2 west to Rte. 202 south
Take Rte. 202 south to Amherst Rd. in Pelham (turn right)
Take Amherst Rd. toward Amherst. (The road changes names to Pelham Rd. and then to Main Street.)
In downtown Amherst, turn left on South Pleasant Street. Continue for two blocks to the stoplight at the intersection with Rte. 116. Proceed straight through the light (you’ll now be on Rte. 116 south). Turn right (about .2 miles) onto Hitchcock Road. Street parking is available.
NEDRA Members: $85
Non-Members: $125
© 2025 New England Development Research Association