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The Frugal Researcher

  • Tue, October 16, 2012
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Amherst College, Smith House (Bliss Room), 22 Hitchcock Road, Amherst, MA
  • 16


  • Non-Member

The Frugal Researcher

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

9:00 am - 10:30 am

David Sterling will take participants through a full range of essential sources for the average prospect researcher and offer ways to find valuable information without having to invest in expensive databases and programs. He will introduce participants to what is available for free online and offer some how-tos for exploring available information from libraries and other collections. David will show you how to tailor online searching to extract the maximum useful information and eliminate unnecessary results, as well as introduce you to what is available from the government, state, and city databases. You will leave this session with equipped to make use of a broad range of information that will empower you to produce high-quality research for your office’s fund raising efforts.

Light refreshments will be provided.


David Sterling is the Director of Advancement Operations, Western New England University. Before joining Western New England in 2003, David served as Director of Research at the University of South Florida for seven years. Previously, he held management positions in the development offices of The George Washington University and Dartmouth College. David has presented at APRA, APRA-Florida and NEDRA meetings, and has edited and written for APRA’s Connections. He was a member of NEDRA’s board of directors from 2006 to 2012 and served as the organization’s treasurer. He also was a founding member of APRA-Florida and served as the chapter’s second President. David graduated from the University of Maine and the University of Rochester.

Directions to Amherst College:

BY CAR FROM EAST/WEST (Rhode Island, Boston, Brown):

Take I-90 West to (Mass Turnpike) to Exit 4 (I-91)

Take I-91 north to exit 19 (Rte. 9)

Take Rte. 9 east to Rte. 116 south. These roads intersect at a stoplight at the top of a hill. Turn right onto Rt. 116 south. Turn right (about .2 miles) onto Hitchcock Road. Street parking is available.


BY CAR FROM NORTH/SOUTH (New York, Dartmouth, Trinity, Middlebury, Wesleyan, Williams, Yale):

From Williams take Rte. 2 east to I-91 south

From Middlebury take Rte. 7 south to Rte. 103 south to I-91 south

Take I-91 to exit 19 from south, or exit 20 from north (you'll be on Rte. 9 east)

Take Rt. 9 east to Rt. 116 south. These roads intersect at a stoplight at the top of a hill. Turn right onto Rt. 116 south. Turn right (about .2 miles) onto Hitchcock Road. Street parking is available.


BY CAR FROM NORTHEAST (Maine, Bates, Bowdoin, Colby):

From Bates take I-495 south to I-95 south

Take I-95 south to I-495 south

Take I-495 south to exit 29B (Rte. 2 west)

Take Rte. 2 west to Rte. 202 south

Take Rte. 202 south to Amherst Rd. in Pelham (turn right)

Take Amherst Rd. toward Amherst. (The road changes names to Pelham Rd. and then to Main Street.)

In downtown Amherst, turn left on South Pleasant Street. Continue for two blocks to the stoplight at the intersection with Rte. 116. Proceed straight through the light (you’ll now be on Rte. 116 south). Turn right (about .2 miles) onto Hitchcock Road. Street parking is available.


NEDRA Members: $85

Non-Members: $125


**NEW Address as of 11/1/2024**
60 Hickory Drive, Suite 6100
Waltham, MA 02451

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