Friday, October 26, 2012
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Join James Cheng as he presents on the fundamentals of analytics from a development perspective. Concepts such as “analytics” and “predictive modeling” will be defined within the context of the not-for-profit business process. An example of incorporating descriptive and predictive analytics within the business process and in-session exercise will follow. Demonstration of statistical software (SPSS and/or SAS) will also be given if time permits. No statistics-related concepts other than vocabulary will be taught; no statistics background is necessary for this session.
Space is limited. Light refreshments are included.
James Cheng currently holds the position of Assistant Director of Prospect Identification & Analytics in Development Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Like many folks in development research, James' background is not directly related to philanthropy or fundraising. Other than resource development, he's made intellectual and professional forays into cell and development biology, secondary science education, as well as educational research, measurement, and evaluation. While finishing up a doctorate degree in applied statistics in education at Boston College, James' interest in development was piqued when he also took on the role of Prospect Data Mining and Modeling Specialist at MIT from 2006 to 2008. After spending time in the corporate world as a healthcare market researcher, James returned to the Light, working at Dana-Farber since January of 2011.
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