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RING: Setting the Table – Research’s Role at Prospect Review Meetings

  • Fri, July 12, 2013
  • 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • The Hotchkiss School - Monahan, 14 Lime Rock Road Lakeville, CT 06039
  • 18


  • Up to 3 employees of host site.
  • Non-Member

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RING: Setting the Table – Research’s Role at Prospect Review Meetings

Friday, July 12, 2013

9:30 am - 10:00 am Networking

10:00 am - 11:30 am Program

A properly set table includes all the items needed for an organized and successful meal. What is research’s role in setting the table at prospect review/prospect management meetings?

Join NEDRA members for a roundtable discussion about your role at these meetings. We will share experiences and discuss frequency of meetings, meeting preparation and follow-up, roles and responsibilities, and tips and tricks for effective meetings. Participants should bring sample agendas and examples of prospect management reports. Come prepared to share stories and best practices at your organizations and leave with some suggestions and ideas to improve your prospect review meetings.


Jessica Craig
Director of Prospect Management and Research, The Hotchkiss School

Jessica has been involved with prospect management and research at Hotchkiss for 13 years. She began her career at Hotchkiss working with the capital and planned giving programs as an administrative assistant. From there she discovered prospect research and went on to lead the Advancement Services department. In her seven years as Director of Research, she has worked to shift the focus from research to prospect management. Jess now leads the expanded Prospect Management and Research Department.

Kathy Trahan
Assistant Director of Prospect Management and Research, The Hotchkiss School

Kathy joined Hotchkiss as the Assistant to Capital Gifts and Planned Giving seven years ago, after a career in international banking. She joined Jessica in the Research Department in 2008. As a team, Jess and Kathy have standardized the research function and have boldly moved into prospect management.

Directions and Parking:

Hotchkiss is located in the "Northwest Corner" of Connecticut, at the junction of routes 41 and 112, minutes from both New York State and Massachusetts - it is two hours north of New York City, three hours west of Boston, and approximately an hour’s drive from Hartford, Albany, and Poughkeepsie.

Directions can be found on the school's website:

Monahan is across from the main campus, on Rte. 112.

Parking is available in the Mars Athletic Center parking lot on Rt. 112, across from the playing fields. The driveway is marked with a sign "Mars Athletic Center."


NEDRA Members: Free

Non-Members: $25



**NEW Address as of 11/1/2024**
60 Hickory Drive, Suite 6100
Waltham, MA 02451

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