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NEDRA Industry News Blog

Welcome to NEDRA's Industry News blog, where we feature news articles and other items of interest to the research community, curated by the NEDRA News Editor-In-Chief. We hope these selections will be of interest to you - and encourage you to share your thoughts and comments here!

NOTE: Please note that any content or opinions expressed within this page represent the opinions and viewpoint of the original author, and do not necessarily reflect or represent the opinions, endorsement, or viewpoint of NEDRA.

  • Tue, May 08, 2012 5:19 PM | Tara McMullen-King
    Pay raises for fundraisers in 2011 increased by just 1.5 percent, not enough to keep pace with last year’s 3-percent inflation rate, according to a report released today.

  • Tue, May 08, 2012 5:17 PM | Tara McMullen-King
    In light of the heightened interest of the I.R.S., Congress, state regulators, and the media in executive compensation, as well as heightened penalties, exempt organizations should strongly consider increasing the amount of time and attention they devote to investigating, deliberating, documenting, and reporting executive compensation.

  • Tue, May 08, 2012 5:16 PM | Tara McMullen-King
    Pinterest, the fast-growing social network that allows people to share information on virtual bulletin boards, has become a hot topic of conversation among nonprofits in recent months.

  • Fri, May 04, 2012 4:34 PM | Tara McMullen-King
    You would think major media outlets might have someone focused on philanthropy, a reporter who can read 990s and spot new trends. Instead, The New York Times eliminated the philanthropy beat, one of the last daily newspapers to employ a full-time reporter to cover national nonprofits, according to a piece in the Chronicle of Philanthropy.

  • Fri, May 04, 2012 4:27 PM | Tara McMullen-King
    "...What can we do to stabilize funding for the arts? Can we learn from other countries’ examples?"

  • Thu, May 03, 2012 6:20 PM | Tara McMullen-King
    ... For years, Japan was Asia’s richest and most powerful economy. It was the first Asian economy to industrialise, and the emerging Asian tigers - Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and later China - merely followed in its tracks. Now, however, Japan is steadily being overtaken.

  • Thu, May 03, 2012 6:18 PM | Tara McMullen-King
    The combined wealth of the 1,000 richest men and women in Britain has risen to record levels in the past year, despite the country's continuing economic slump.

  • Wed, May 02, 2012 12:27 PM | Tara McMullen-King
    As gas prices reach record highs across many parts of the country, Americans have been blaming oil companies. But as much as they are disliked, the oil and gas industry is also an indispensable part of many states and an asset to their local economies. 24/7 Wall St. has identified the 10 states with the most oil reserves, or the estimated amount of oil in the state, and examined the effects that the industry has on their economies.

  • Wed, May 02, 2012 12:24 PM | Tara McMullen-King
    America’s greenest cities, based on the percentage of people who think and act in an eco-conscious way AND the percentage of people who do not think and act in an eco-conscious way and may have a negative attitude toward environmental issues; the percentage of people who make a conscious effort to recycle; the number of public-transportation trips per capita for the fourth quarter of 2011; and the percent of households that that use solar heating.



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