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The Ann Castle Award is given each year during the annual NEDRA Conference, but this committee works distinctly from the Conference Committee which is focused on the curriculum and other related logistics. 

2023-2024 Selection Committee:
Elizabeth Dill, Co-Chair & NEDRA President

Kiran Tahir, Co-Chair & NEDRA Board Member

Melissa Bank Stepno, 2021 Ann Castle Recipient

Bruce Berg, 2023 Ann Castle Recipient

Jill Meister, 2017 Ann Castle Recipient

Volunteer Tasks:

  • Work with Marketing and Conference Committee to ensure publication, promotion and call for nominations. We utilized an online form for the first time in 2012.
  • Identify potential candidates to supplement pool of nominations as needed.
  • Review nominations and make recommendation to the board of directors on the winner.
  • Communicate with former award winners to ensure best practices and survey for feedback when needed.
  • Notify awardee, confirm that s/he will be present to accept the award and provide details on Conference and Award presentation.
  • Communicate with CAMI to order award in advance of the Conference.
  • Introduce award and winner at the Conference.
  • Contribute information for article in NEDRA News post-conference.


Time Commitment:

It is anticipated that the Ann Castle Award Committee will have 1-3 conference calls beginning in the late fall through the early spring (dependent on dates of annual conference) to identify individual tasks, discuss nominees, rank and vote on submissions, etc. The total time commitment will probably be between 10-15 hours.



**NEW Address as of 11/1/2024**
60 Hickory Drive, Suite 6100
Waltham, MA 02451

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