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2018 NEDRA Conference Recap

Thu, May 31, 2018 3:51 PM | Laura Parshall

The conference seems like it just happened the other day. It's hard to believe it's already a month ago! Registration for the conference was sold out this year. It's great to know that there are so many people out there who value the conference as an opportunity for professional development, and whose organizations support their attendance! There were so many wonderful educational sessions this year: some attendees learned how to value private companies, some learned to create graphs, and some learned how to teach others to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. (It made sense in the context of the session, really!) There were also lots of chances for networking, from spontaneous conversations that started in the hallways between sessions to the networking reception sponsored by iWave. We welcomed Helen Brown Group-NEDRA Conference Scholarship recipient Keith Aron, and Heather Reisz Memorial Scholarship recipients Darthula Matthews and Charlotte Redgate Myers. We congratulated Ann Castle Award recipient David Sterling, who began his career in prospect research the same year NEDRA was founded. And of course, we sang our hearts out at karaoke at #NEDRAafterdark, sponsored by DonorSearch. In case you missed it, next year's conference will be in Portland, ME. It's not too early to start thinking about how you can help us make it even better than this year's!


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