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Peek Under the Hood: News from the NEDRA Board

Fri, June 29, 2018 3:10 PM | Laura Parshall

Well, it's been an amazing six years with the NEDRA Board! For five of those, I've been the editor of the NEDRA News Blog, and it's hard to believe that this is my last time posting here. But while I may be going, the show still goes on! The Board held its annual retreat on June 7 and 8 to plot NEDRA's course for the coming year. One of the items discussed was the new committee leadership going forward. New committee chairs will be:

Anne Castle Award: Susan Grivno (also President)

Communications: (which will fold in the NEDRA News Blog, Marketing, and Social Media): Claire Moitra and Kristen Cocce

Conference: Erin Dupuis and Ginny Santamaria

Diversity and Inclusion: Rich Horne

Membership: Kristen Cocce and Ginny Santamaria

Nominating: Susan Grivno

Programming: Renana Kehoe and Elana Pierkowski

Scholarship (which will fold in both scholarships): Jenn Grasso (also Secretary) and Diane Parsons

Sponsorship: Bill Gotfredson (also Vice President) and Rich Horne

Volunteers: Pamela McCarthy (also Treasurer) and Diane Parsons

Website & Technology: TBD

I'm sure there will be more changes and many, many great new things coming from this board. With that, here's my last issue of the NEDRA News Blog, and then I will leave you in Claire and Kristen's capable hands!


  • Fri, June 29, 2018 3:47 PM | Amber Countis
    Thanks, Laura, for your work on the News the last several years!! Congrats to the new Board!
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